Prayer Ministry
“…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” – James 5:16 KJV
Our Purpose/Mission
“… for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people.” – Isaiah 56:7b KJV
The True Holiness Prayer Ministry aims to actively encourage and promote prayer within the life of the church and to help connect people to Christ through individual and corporate prayer. By being open and responsive to the working of the Holy Spirit, we pray that God’s love, guidance, and healing power would be released for the benefit of His people and to Jesus’ glory.
- To undergird our church, our work as well as the Body of Christ
- To pray for prayer requests received
- To pray daily and to develop a daily quiet time with God
- To have a biblical concept of prayer and apply biblical principles that develop intimacy with God
- To have as many Prayer Warriors as possible praying together, on one accord
- To consistently pray for
- Pastor, Church & Congregation
- Ministries & Ministry Leaders
- Local Churches and Kingdom Builders District
- Western Florida Second Jurisdiction & Leaders
- National COGIC
- To send cards of encouragement
- To show believers how to enjoy a more effective prayer life, so that they may develop a heart after God.
Prayer Warriors
“And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;”
Luke 18:1 KJV
Alicia Massey
Johnny W. Lewis
Susan Lewis
Carole Middleton
Loretta Watley
Vincent T. Edwards
Cheryl Williams
Rethenia Harris
Faye Jones
Rhonda L. Rolle
Prayer Coordinator: Pastor Vincent T. Edwards
Phone: 850.590.1918
Have a prayer request? Click Here to submit or email it to:
Prayer Ministry Services and Events
Weekly Prayer Meeting (Prayer for Everyone)
Date: Tuesdays
Time: 7:00 pm ET
Location: Virtual via Zoom. Click Here for details and Zoom Information